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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Did China Unleash COVID-19 As A Bioweapon Of War Against The U.S.?

* See UPDATES below...

Judge for yourself...

Source: ZeroHedge

Why would China brag about deliberately causing such a world-wide catastrophe when their own vulnerable Shanghai Index is perched at a precarious level, above which it hasn't been able to hold for any length of time since 2007?

By the way, did any of the global leaders realize that China had launched a "biological war," as declared?

More importantly, are any more such "wars" imminent? If so, how will global leaders deter such an assault from the Communists?

Perhaps if President Biden's military/national security personnel learn to clap on demand, they'll figure out a way to win, or even prevent, the next "bio-war." 😏

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE May 22...

Interesting COVID-19 virus origin update from Fox News host, Tucker Carlson...

Source: Fox News

* UPDATE May 28...


Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE May 29...

More whoops...

Source: ZeroHedge

*** Even more stunning...and disturbing reports are noted below...

This is a must-watch video from Fox News Judge Jeanine Pirro...

And...the whoops keep flooding in...

* UPDATE June 1...

COVID-19 man-made 'theory?'...

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE June 2...

Even more revelations are uncovered...

Source: ZeroHedge

And, what about this little gem regarding COVID-19 mask 'effectiveness'...according to Dr. Fauci, himself?

Source: ZeroHedge

Spoken like a true beaurocrat...no wonder people are confused 😕...by the way, who's responsible for oversight of Dr. Fauci and his government work?...

So, Dr. Fauci's thousands of emails have been released under a FOIA request in connection with the pandemic. It looks like his 'footprints' (the truth?) are finally becoming visible and I don't think he's pleased with what's being reaveled in his emails, which contradict his public statements he's made since early 2020...

Source: Fox News

Source: ZeroHedge

Source: Fox News

* UPDATE June 3...

Read entire article at Vanitary Fair

* UPDATE June 4...

Someone needs to uncover the cover-up/suppression...and the source of death threats...

Source: ZeroHedge

Source: ZeroHedge

Source: ZeroHedge

What do Americans know that virologists and epidemiologists don't?...

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE June 5...

The information tsunami unleashed now from numerous investigative reporters and other sources is beginning to look worse and worse for Dr. Fauci, et al...

Source: ZeroHedge

Source: ZeroHedge

More bombshells...no wonder left-wing Democrat elites/globalists wanted former President Trump ousted...

Source: ZeroHedge

The smoking gun?...

(more here from Jesse Watters' June 5 show)

Interesting timeline of events...

Well, well, well...is the tide turning against Dr. Fauci?...(by the way, why would any decent person want to profit from the suffering and destruction of his fellow human beings?)...

This report is very, very disturbing, to say the least...

Source: ZeroHedge

Speaking of cyber-attacks on U.S. infrastructure, this from retired General Jack Keane...(so, what has President Biden done to counteract these aggressions via whole-of-government actions?...nothing, as far as anyone's aware)...

Yet another disturbing report...

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE June 6...

From Russia-gate to Ukraine-gate to Election 2020-gate to Fauci-gate...now to Facebook-gate...all geared to oust former President Trump from office, the world stage and the public eye...

Shocking revelations about Facebook...collusion? (e.g., 'partnership')...

Shocking revelations...

Proof in the virus, itself?...

* UPDATE June 8...

Who loses?...I'd say the entire world has already lost...catastrophically...in countless ways that haven't yet been tabulated, nor discovered, nor even imagined yet...

Source: ZeroHedge

Perhaps China is beginning to discover the effects of what could become a massive economic shock caused by unabating inflationary pressures...and may be the first of many countries to 'lose'...

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE June 9...

It looks like 'Frankenvirus' experiments were conducted by the China Wuhan Institute of Virology in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance, with funding provided by the U.S. NIAID...for what purpose, exactly (truthfully)? 

Dr. Fauci and Peter Daszak must come clean to the American public and the rest of the world on what actually happened with COVID-19, as well as disclose what's going on now and planned for the future...they owe everyone that much!

Source: ZeroHedge

This elaborate effort smells like a cover-up, does it not?...

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE June 14...

So, more lies being uncovered...video proof...

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE June 17...

For scientists to now place the blame on former President Trump for their own failures to properly investigate the virus from the outset is a cowardly and shameful act and reveals an abrogation of their professional, ethical and moral duties, in my opinion.

Since when did 'medical science' become 'political science?'

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE June 18...

Holy moly...this is a 'must read'...shocking! 😮

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE June 19...

Why has China been erasing all of their data from the WIV lab, if the virus started in a 'wet market,' as they claim?...

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE June 23...

Why would the NIH comply?...

* UPDATE June 25...

You really have to wonder what has been, and is, going on...

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE June 27...

Chilling information...

* UPDATE September 7...

The virus "roadmap" appears to have been uncovered...

Source: ZeroHedge

Will Biden's DOJ investigate the Senator's allegations that Dr. Fauci lied to Congress? Don't hold your breath.
* UPDATE September 10...

Why is Dr. Fauci singing a different tune these days...what is he trying to cover up?...

Source: ZeroHedge

Another Biden administration 'faux pas' -- admitting to mandating the COVID-19 vaccine via OSHA as a 'work-around' the Constitution -- could very well be costly with Biden's vaccine mandate (announced yesterday) ultimately being deemed to be illegal in upcoming court battles.

With all the chaotic political, economic and national security messes/crises that Joe Biden has created in America and abroad since he took office in January, one has to wonder about his competence and that of all his advisors and cabinet members.

Source: Fox News


There are many other reports and articles that have been released recently on this that are too numerous for me to include here, but you get the gist of where this is going. 

At some point the left-leaning Democrat-affiliated mainstream media will have no option than to begin covering these stories with integrity, as well as to stop censoring facts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, et al)...so far, they've either been silent or silencing people who've been uncovering facts, or they've been mollycoddling Dr. Fauci in interviews this past week. The American people deserve honest, unbiased, non-political (non-gobbledegook) answers.

In fact, the world, ravaged by this killer disease (costing trillions of dollars in economic and long-lasting physical and psychological health damages), deserves to know (and is awaiting) the whole truth...somebody knows.

And, more importantly, the public needs to be assured (with irrefutable proof) that this type of catastrophic event (or something similar) will never be repeated again...by any country(ies). I have my doubts that Joe Biden is the person capable or willing to so do. 😞

(as of June 4, 2021)

* UPDATE December 20...

Meanwhile in England, this disturbing information surfaced regarding "modelling" practices and the omission of probabilities and plausibilities (with respect to the latest COVID-19 variant, Omicron)...

ZeroHedge excerpt


***Story continued here...