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* Thurs. Nov. 7 @ 2:00 pm ET - FOMC Rate Announcement + Forecasts and @ 2:30 pm ET - Fed Chair Press Conference
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Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Joe's Out...Kamala's In...BRACE YOURSELVES

This post is a continuation of the story I've laid out over multiple articles covering President Joe Biden during his first (and only) four-year term in office...the latest post in that six-part series can be read here...and a reminder post here.

In this new post, the script now changes with the main character shifting from Joe Biden to VP Kamala Harris

Biden was unceremoniously dumped by the leaders of his party (Nancy Pelosi and former President Obama), and Democrats simply 'annointed' Harris as their new 2024 nominee for Presidential candidate in the upcoming November election without a single primary voter casting a vote for her, unlike 14,500,000 Americans who voted for Biden during the primaries (whose votes were, effectively, ignored and disgarded)...DEMOCRATS' TWISTED VERSION OF DEMOCRACY! 🤔

How is this even legal/constitutional?

Today Ms. Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) (another 'old white guy') as her running mate for VP.

Both Harris and Walz are described as extreme, radical, far-left socialist Democrats (and the "most-left wing ticket in U.S. history," as per Florida Governor Ron Desantis), who have to pay influencers and celebrities to promote them on-line or headline their rallies, as outlined in the following articles.

Ms. Harris is also willing to use media deception to win...

Who is Tim Walz? Check out these eye-openers...and more here...

Another point of view on Tim Walz' lies about his military record for personal gain, and the extreme far-left political policies and actions that he's taken over many years, suggests that he is "unqualified for leadership at any level" and is "unfit for political office"...

Even Tim Walz' eldest brother had, to put it politely, unflattering things to say about him and does not support his political policies...

So, as a warning, it's worth repeating my above reminder, as follows...

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Of course, Democrats' $90 Trillion Green New Deal is still alive and will remain a part of Kamala Harris' agenda, if elected as President...regardless of its crushing economic and social costs, viability and effectiveness at controlling the climate.

The 'dirty' ESG business of so-called 'clean energy' exposed...

Communism 101...brought to you by the Harris/Walz team...they will regulate you to death, guaranteed!

N.B. Today's rollout of 'economically illiterate' VP Harris' 'economic' plan indicates that it will: result in an economic slowdown, recession, stagflation or depression; cause much higher inflation; produce more government regulations; impose federal price controls which will lead to increased demand and massive shortages of supplies (food, medicine, housing, etc.); produce a more bloated federal government and its programs; explode the U.S. National Debt and annual deficit to unsustainable heights; cause massive job layoffs; increase housing and rent prices causing more homelessness; increase costs on all types of insurance products; raise taxes (directly or indirectly) on all income levels; cause energy shortages and skyrocketing fuel prices; cause increased domestic and foreign threats to U.S. national security, etc.; and bring much more pain and suffering to all Americans, shattering all their dreams of ever getting ahead.

This is NOT a serious plan put forth by a serious person. Rather, it's simply a diversionary wish-list designed for election appeal to be propagandized by media companies to unwitting Democrat voters and intended to evade any detailed scrutinity of the failed 2021-2025 Biden/Harris policies.

By the way, Ms. Harris has yet to post ANY of her policies on her website, so no one knows exactly what she intends to implement as President...so, you know she's NOT a serious candidate! 👀

Under such a plan you can forget any cuts in interest rates by the U.S. Federal Reserve, as it's their 'go-to tool' to try and reign in the inflationary effects of government's mishandling of fiscal spending...so, rates will stay high(er) for much longer.

In short, the United States will become a bankrupt Third World country ruined by communist policies.

But, don't worry, Harris and Walz are 'joyful' at this prospect...see how much 'fun' they're having, according to CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and all the other far-left liberal media outlets! 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️

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N.B. In an interview on August 16 on Fox Business TV program, "The Bottom Line," Steve Forbes, Forbes Media CEO and Editor-In-Chief, described Harris' economic plan as:

"...tyranny. Her presentation today, very cheerful, nice crowd, warm smile and all of that really good face, and the most radical, leftist Stalinist policies in American history. This would be an unmitigated disaster!" 👀

More criticisms of her plan (and the way in which President Biden was ousted) are also emerging from a variety of sources, as outlined in the following article...


Also, if you think that VP Harris won't extend the current Biden/Harris free-speech censorship program as part of her new Harris/Walz platform if/once she becomes President, think again! 🤔

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Beware of a potential Harris/Walz administration that would, no doubt, extend, or even expand, the existing Biden/Harris censorship and gaslighting antics/programs...


CONTRAST the Harris/Walz (D) platform with the Trump/Vance (R) 20-point platform (in furtherance of Donald Trump's accomplishments achieved during his 2017-2021 presidency) to unite and move the country forward to improve Americans' lives, which have been destroyed by Biden's woke (extreme far-left socialist) policies/mandates/agenda.

N.B. A downloadable pdf file, containing a detailed contrast of the results of Biden/Harris 'Bidenomics' with those of former President Trump's economic accomplishments, can be found here.

N.B. An unscripted, in-depth problem-solving two-hour chat between X owner Elon Musk and former President Donald Trump live-streamed on X Spaces last night and attracted over one billion viewers/views.

It was an unprecedented massive social media event featuring two successful (and smart) businessmen/entrepreneurs, one of whom is running (again) for a second term as President.

They discussed a variety of topics and tossed around innovative solutions to multiple domestic and global problems...a good old-fashioned brainstorming event, which delivered something for everyone. 👀


BEWARE of mainstream (liberal) media's gaslighting attemps to rebrand Kamala Harris as a 'moderate' Democrat...just as they did to Joe Biden in 2020, who, once elected as President, rolled out the most extreme far-left, unsafe, weak, dangerous, reckless, unconstitutional, punitive, restrictive, expensive, and inflationary policies of anyone in history.

She will simply extend and expand on those, which is precisely why she chose Tim Walz to defend and push that agenda.

Leopards do not change their spots! 👀

This gag-worthy 'Kamala-is-awesome fauxmentum' created by the liberal media will soon fall off a cliff, as the 'real' Harris/Walz occupants of this latest 'trojan donkey' are now being exposed to voters...and they don't like what they see/hear.

By the way, the one and only thing we do know for sure from the reporting by these fawning 'groupies' is that this 'joyful duo' LOVES food...Tim loves to post pictures of his sandwiches and Kamala loves to have the cameras rolling while she's 'cooking' in the kitchen...oblivious to the fact that many Americans can't even afford food, thanks to the inflationary results of 'Bidenomics' of the Biden/Harris administration (for which Harris cast the deciding vote in the Senate as VP). 

So, yes, Ms. Harris 'owns' (is responsible for) the disastrous state of the current economy, et al, of the Biden/Harris agenda (as a full partner of Joe Biden)...and, don't let these media sycophants fool you into believing otherwise. Even Biden's press secretary confirmed this in the following video clip...yet, astonishingly, she couldn't name a single 'achievement' of Harris...

However, when you witness the same media's attempts to destroy Donald Trump's chances of a win in favour of Ms. Harris,' their political bias towards Democrats and their socialist policies becomes very clear.

Finally, ten questions that the media should be asking VP Harris about her 'economic illiteracy' and this 'warped election,' but won't because of their political bias...

BEWARE OF ALL OF THEIR LIES...and do your own in-depth research before you vote!


Meanwhile, where's President Biden? He's rarely been seen in Washington since he was ousted as 2024 presidential candidate, while wars rage in the Middle East and Ukraine/Russia, and more threaten to break out between China and Taiwan, as well as North and South Korea.

The world is on the brink of World War III...and 'lame-duck President' Joe Biden remains hidden and silent. Perhaps this report has something to do with this situation? 👀

So, who's actually in charge and running the country...the 'real' Commander-in-Chief? 🤔

P.S. President Biden gave an angry, rambling and lie-filled fairwell speech late Monday night, August 19 at the DNC National Convention...not exactly an inspiring, positive or uplifting message for voters, but one which, perhaps, reflected his mood after being turfed out by his party leaders...although, many of his past speeches have been delivered in the same manner.

It's doubtful we'll see much of him from now on, as he completes his "lame duck presidency," punctuated by his oft-taken mini-vacations.


BRACE YOURSELVES: Dark days ahead and panic lurk on many fronts...multiple types of 'Black Swan Events' await.

One of these has reached the boiling point in the Middle East (again) thanks to the weak and disastrous foreign policies of President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris regarding Iran and Israel...however, this time, the "asymmetrical warfare" may be more extreme, deadly, prolonged and far-reaching...

Very important jobs trend to watch in future data releases..."look out below" if it keeps trending down!

And, there you have it...the downward jobs revision released on August 21. 

The Biden/Harris economy is not as strong under "Bidenomics" as they've been propagandizing over the past year, or more. 

Look for much more weakness to ensue if VP Harris' destructive economic vision is enacted, were she to become President.

In the meantime, the following shocking economic data is warning of a looming recession...something The Conference Board is trying to downplay/hide...and something that the Biden/Harris policies have created and that the Harris/Waltz agenda will continue to usher in...

The Biden/Harris housing price shock...exposed...

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The Harris/Walz $5 Trillion tax plan has been exposed in the following NYT article!

Get ready to pay a total of 80% of your earnings in a variety of taxes to Ms. Harris' government, if she wins the presidency in November!

She will bankrupt the country and send it into a recession/depression! 👀

Two interesting takes/summaries on the DNC convention (essentially a 'Trump-bashing, gaslighting, policy-free joyride') that wrapped up in Chicago on August 22 are worth a read, as follows...they both come with a warning of what a Kamala Harris presidency would bring to Americans.


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In a 'pro-democracy move' on August 23, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his run for President as an Independent candidate, in protest of a whole slew of 'anti-democracy Democrat party political and legal actions' that were waged against him and his campaign right from the outset.

He also endorsed former President Trump and encouraged his supporters to vote for him (Trump) in a variety of states where RFK Jr. will be removing his name from voter ballots (ten or more battleground states where, in his words, his "presence would be a spoiler").

It's unusual for a Kennedy political candidate to throw his/her support behind a Republican Presidential candidate. However, during the time in which John F. Kennedy (his uncle) and Robert F. Kennedy (his father) served as President and Attorney General, respectively, the Democrat party's platform was completely different than it is today...hence the current scenario.

So, we'll see if this decision sways the election one way or the other...the race just got more interesting! 🤔

Another interesting take on RFK Jr's endorsement of Donald Trump..."a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged"...

Just as a variety of domestic and world markets are making new all-time highs and Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris is proposing massive new tax-and-spend policies for 2025 (and beyond), U.S. Fed Chair Powell hinted at cutting interest rates during his Jackson Hole speech..possibly at its September meeting.

That lethal combination would invite higher inflation.

So, why would the Federal Reserve (supposedly apolitical) embrace such a shortsighted policy...especially, right before a Presidential election? 🤔

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The results of fiscally-irresponsible energy policies and projects of the Biden/Harris administration are being exposed...

Ms. Harris' inexperience as, and inability to be, a qualified and competent leader and Commander-in-Chief was on full display, yet again, in her one and only (softball pre-taped) press interview given, so far, during this election campaign...and it's evident that that fact won't change by November 5! 👀

See the next article for another take on Kamala Harris' CNN interview

Her vacuous, non-specific, rambling answers ('word salads'), together with vague policies, along with her oft-repeated annoying filler-phrase of "Let me be perfectly clear..." indicate someone who is unprepared and unsure of any of her policies and herself and is NOT ready to become President.

CNN aired only 18 minutes of their interview. I wonder what was edited out of their entire 41-minute interview...must have been very bad! No wonder it was pre-taped

Just IMAGINE how she would perform in real-time face-to-face meetings with Chinese President Xi, North Korean Chairman Kim, or Russian President Putin, if she can't even handle a serious live press interview🤔

Now, RE-IMAGINE (her favourite word) a different U.S. President (e.g. D.J. TRUMP) at the helm...former Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard (HI) described in this article why she endorsed Trump as a good example of a strong President dealing with foreign policies.

Which one would you trust?

Democrat desperation breeds contempt and mistrust of their own presidential candidate...if they don't respect or trust her, why should you? 🤔

Straight from the horse's mouth...according to Democrat Nancy Pelosi, her party's goal is to illegally import new Democrat voters (including terrorists) into the country (at the full expense of American taxpayers), to ensure that their party remains in power, forever, in a totalitarian and tyrannical move to subvert the will of Americans, as detailed in the following article. 👀

You can be sure that, if elected as President, Kamala Harris will follow the party line and continue President Biden's existing illegal and very costly open-border policy.

In essence, you end up with a dark harmonic imbalance between a totalitarian government and its subservient people. In such a place, there is NO JOY for the people, in spite of the propaganda that VP Harris has been spewing in that regard.


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It's clear from what happened in the following incident that VP Harris 'shoots from the hip' before she gets her facts straight, if ever.

IMAGINE how she would react to unconfirmed reports of incoming missiles from a hostile country if she were President. 🤔

By the way, Ms. Harris was the last person in the room with President Biden offering advice on their military plan to exit from Afghanistan and she even bragged about it on TV. I wrote this extensive article about that disastrous and deadly withdrawal....certainly not something about which someone would brag. No wonder the Gold Star families did NOT want either Biden or Harris at their third annual memorial service!

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Iran controls the war actions of the their proxies/armies known as Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Iran is the idealogical aggressor using these armies to wage war against Israel.

The Biden/Harris administration will NEVER win a war with this idealogical aggressor by appeasement, as the idealogues will NEVER enter into an agreement with their opponents when they are committed to "wiping them (Israel and America) off the face of the earth."

The sooner President Biden and VP Harris accept that as fact, the sooner they can begin to offer the proper support that Israel needs to defeat Hamas and Hezbollah and, ultimately, Iran's threat against them, once and for all.

Until then, Iran will continue to wage a direct war with Israel, and an indirect one with the U.S., while disregarding the PalestinianLebanese, American, and even Iranian, lives lost in the process as they are considered expendable, in their ULTIMATE QUEST to expand Iran into Israel and beyond...wiping out whomsoever stands in their way.

Sadly, more evidence of this is revealed in the following article.

From the information in the following article, it now appears that Israel is sorting out their own solution pertining to the near and longer-term future of Gaza.

And, they've, subsequently, said that, "There's no Gaza deal in the making...it's not close."

Actual progress always involves common sense -- and this applies to energy regulations and business investment -- something the Biden/Harris administration has been sorely lacking, while mandating and implementing their radical, unrealistic and costly far-left ESG and DEI programs.

From the information in the following article, it appears that Russian President Putin may feel entitled to use some of its nuclear weapons, should Ukrainian President Zelensky continue to launch missiles deeper into Russia as part of its defense against Russia's invasion of Ukraine that began on February 23, 2022.

In any event, it's worth noting that something's afoot in Russia. 👀

In the face of the weak Biden/Harris appeasement policy toward America's foreign enemies, of course President Putin favours that continued policy under a Harris presidency...so, why wouldn't he endorse her! 😏

Regardless of his public Harris endorsement, the mainstream media is still spreading false accusations about Trump/Russia collusion that began in 2016

In the meantime, Putin is very happy to propagate chaos and division to destabilize the country, especially in another election year.

So, beware of more mainstream media lies about Donald Trump and Russia, once again.

As President Biden's Border Czar, VP Kamala Harris failed miserably in her job to secure the southern border and stop the massive inflow of illegal aliens.

The following articles highlight some of the shocking consequences, which have endangered American lives and livelihoods...and which have led to murders of innocent men,  women and children in multiple instances during the past three and a half years.

The United States cannot afford to continue with this reckless national security threat under a Harris presidency.

Kamala's far-left socialist 'stale message of yesteryear' -- tax-and-spend your way out of inflation, etc. -- will backfire and cause much more debt and ruination for the country...and voters are waking up to that fact, if the following recent polls are any indication.

Thanks to Biden/Harris' gross mismanagement of operations, the Russia/Ukraine war is getting much worse for Ukraine

By the way, their own incompetent decisions made in the handling of this war, the Hamas/Israel war, and the evacuation of Afghanistan have been costly and deadly for Americans and its allies.

Who knows where foreign policy will be headed under a Harris presidency and how long it would take for this conflict, and others, to escalate into a nuclear war? 🤔

Kamala Harris -- The Great Pretender...exposed by Senator Bernie Sanders (D) -- pretending to be a moderate Democrat while campaiging to become President, but shifting back to her long-standing roots as a radical left-wing socialist when/if elected...because, in her own words, "her values haven't changed."


The choice for the next President should be based, simply, on common sense...👀

Several remarks on the "biased farce" -- the ABC News presidential debate on September 10 between VP Harris and former President Trump -- are detailed in the following articles and comments.

Yes, Donald Trump was forced to debate three people...both ABC News moderators and Kamala Harris

FAIR? I don't think so and neither would anyone else with common sense. 😑

This conservative billionaire (Leonard Leo) has been very active and effective in reshaping and crushing the far-left Democrat control of the court/justice system, mass media, the entertainment industry, and corporations in America (especially pushing back on reckless, costly and dangerous ESG/DEI policies, etc.).

Ms. Harris will have to contend with this pushback, if she is elected President

After she failed to outline and flesh out any of her policies, comprehensively, during last night's debate, it's doubtful that she would be able to withstand or repel Mr. Leo's reshaping onslaught...and that of any other like-minded politically conservative and independent billionaires.

Elon Musk meme

We're on the eve of World War III if President Putin follows through with this red-line threat if Britain and the U.S. arm Ukraine with long-range missiles.

Perhaps all the fawning media pundits should ask VP Kamala Harris what her solution would be to clean up this mess that she and President Biden have created. 🤔

Former President Trump was right when he said during the debate that crime in America had surged under the Biden/Harris administration...and ABC moderator David Muir was wrong when he tried to fact-check Trump's statement, as described in the following article.

It's too bad that so-called journalists can't be bothered to get their own own facts straight before they try to correct someone else's, especially a former United States President.

I think Mr. Muir owes Mr. Trump an apology. 😏

N.B. More details on these crime statistics can be found in this article. And, this later article exposes the shocking 'stealth editing' (upward revision) of the stats by the FBI to show an increase in the national violent crime rate of 4.9%, NOT a drop of 1.7% as they originally reported.

25 Lies Kamala Harris told during the debate, that were NOT fact-checked by the ABC moderators, are described in the following article.

In fact, she was fact-checked ZERO times, except by President Trump, on the huge number of lies she told about him.

Despite the ABC moderators acting as Kamala Harris surrogate debators against President Trump during the debate, his poll numbers have improved among swing state, undecided and even Harris voters, according to several polls...and maybe even an ellectoral college win.

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The more VP Harris talks, the worse she gets...👀

This explosive exposure does not bode well for VP Harris' role as 'Border Czar'...😯

Hold onto your wallet: Half a billion reasons to question modern 'climate change' data...

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WOW...It looks like there may have been some kind of collusion among Biden, Obama, Bush and Democrat operatives with then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other high-ranking military personnel, that was tantamount to an "insurrection" and "sabotage" waged against then-President Donald Trump in the days leading up to (and on the day of) the January 6, 2021 protest-turned-riot and breach of the Capitol building, if the alleged information in the following article is accurate.

As usual, the most oft-asked question of Washington politicians is, "Will anybody ever be held accountable for their actions?" 

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Border Czar Kamala Harris has been releasing illegal migrants with criminal histories into the United States...thanks to the Biden/Harris "catch-and-release" policy that they created and implemented when they took office in January 2021.


The numbers are staggering, as detailed in the following article....however, these do not include any numbers from sanctuary cities and states because they do not, and will not, release them to ICE.

It seems VP Harris has no sense of self-awareness or acceptance of responsibility of the damage that she has caused to the national security of the U.S. and its citizens, many of whom have already been harmed, displaced from their homes and jobs, or murdered by illegal migrants who've invaded the country at its southern border under her watch as Border Czar...and she did absolutely nothing to stop any of it.

Why would Kamala Harris' VP running mate, Tim Walz, be meeting with billionaire Alex Soros (son of George Soros) ??? 👀

N.B. The following three alarming articles confirm the ineptness and weakness of Biden/Harris.

All three situations are dire and unfolding right now (October 1):

  • an Iranian ballistic missile attack into Israel,
  • a massive U.S. Gulf and east coast port strike, and
  • the unprecedented wide-scale damage caused by the major hurricane that hit the south-east sector of the U.S.

(P.S. More in connection
with Iran/Israel here)

P.S. ZeroHedge Summary Update
on Iran's Ballistic Missile Attack
(page 1)

ZeroHedge Summary Update
on Iran's Ballistic Missile Attack
(page 2)

(P.S. More in connection
with the port strike here)

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(P.S. More on the aftermath of 
this hurricane here)

VP presidential debate October 1, 2024: A picture is worth a thousand words...

Overall media consensus concludes that Donald Trump's VP running mate, JD Vance, won the debate by delivering a respectful, but strong and knowlegeable performance on the issues and policies of a Trump/Vance ticket.

Kamala Harris' VP running mate, Tim Walz, looked strained and sounded weak, ill-prepared, and unqualified for the job as VP, and, especially as Commander-in-Chief if he ever had to take over from Harris, if she were incapacitated as President.

Congress needs to investigate and expose what appears to be a misue or abuse of taxpayer funds by various agencies within the Biden/Harris administration...without delay! 👀

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What the hell is wrong with Biden/Harris and the mainstream media! 🤔

Their actions and inactions confirm that they could care less about the citizens of all the states who are facing the brutal impacts and the massive devastations of Hurricane Helene...including a huge rising death toll.

OMG...this is irresponsibly dangerous of Biden/ Harris to the country's national security! 👀

How can Biden/Harris be so inept at handling disaters!

The bad news just keeps pouring in (see following reports) and they're doing nothing to change that...and have not during their entire term in office.

"A picture is worth a thousand words"...it's plain to see where the focus and priority of Biden/Harris have been since they took office...clearly NOT on their own citizens...

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If two-time presidential candidate loser Hillary Clinton (D) and all her radical left-wing global elite cronies had their way, free speech would be censored out of existence, nothwithstanding it's protected by the Constitution of the United States of America. 🤔

It's odd that the only freedom they seem to care about is the freedom of women to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy.

Twentieth Century history reminds us of the dangers of censorship, book burning, and much worse. 👀

WHY is VP Kamala Harris bragging about funding a terrorist country...instead of:

More Biden/Harris mismanagement of priorities that hurt the American people!

Flip-flopper VP Harris was finally asked tough questions from an actual journalist...the 60 Minutes interview didn't go well. 😏

Her evasive, nonsensical 'word salads' don't play well to the American people, something she hasn't yet grasped. However, they will hold her to account when they vote on November 5.

So, stay tuned!

No one knows, with any clarity or specificity, where Harris stands on any issue, so why vote for her? 🤔

In fact, she said in a TV interview today (October 8) on The View that she wouldn't have done anything differently if she had been in charge during the past three and a half years under Joe Biden's presidency...in direct contrast with her oft-repeated campaign slogans as being the "change agent" who wants to "turn the page" on the Biden/Harris policies during their current term in office.

This is total nonsensical naive gibberish! 👀

💥 Talk about a stale, bullying, tone-deaf, racist and sexist Democrat lecture to black men...let alone for men of any colour!

Shameful and condescending! 😕


More Kamala fakery exposed...👀

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Is 'panic' this election's "October surprise?" 🤔

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KAMALA HARRIS: 'Alienator-in-Chief'...

Does Kamala Harris have any original thoughts or ideas of her own? 🤔

Democrats show their hand as to why it's Constitutionally dangerous for them to be re-elected...👀

Wise words from a smart, pragmatic woman...


Inflation Spikes Under Biden/Harris
Jan. 2021-Sept. 2024 POST-TRUMP
(Inflation was 1.4% at the end of Trump's term)

  1. Inflation: 3x higher
  2. Essentials: 3 to 5x more expensive
  3. Compensation of government employees is 40% higher than the private sector plus more job growth in government than the private sector
  4. Real wages: 🔽 1.4%
  5. Real income: 🔽 $2,000 COMPARED WITH 🔼 $4,000 UNDER TRUMP
  6. Overall inflation: 🔼 20%
  7. Food: 🔼 22%
  8. Shelter: 🔼 23%
  9. Energy: 🔼 29%
  10. Electricity: 🔼 28%
  11. Gasoline: 🔼 29%
  12. Auto Insurance: 🔼 57%
  13. Mortgage Payments: 🔼 70%
